Economics & Markets

Mr Sunak’s Challenge: How will we pay for coronavirus?

How will the government manage the colossal deficit resulting from the coronavirus pandemic? And if taxes must rise in the…

Journal of the Plague Year IX – The Cloud of Unknowing

At a global level, the coronavirus pandemic is not only still with us but is intensifying. There are still major…

Welcome to the Splinternet: What it means for investors

Remember the World Wide Web? It’s over. The global internet is fracturing along the major geopolitical fault lines, writes Victor…

Winning the wrong game

If you are currently picking up nickels in front of steamrollers, you may wish to start playing a different game,…

Britain breaks free – and wonders what to do next

Victor Hill considers why is the Johnson government finding it so difficult to articulate what Global Britain will look like,…

Time is running out for TikTok – and why that matters

TikTok is a Chinese-controlled internet portal where youngsters all over the world share hilarious videos of pets. Yet Mr Trump…

The UK Economy: How bad is it?

The UK economy contracted by over 20 percent in Q2. Yet retail sales are on the up and the UK…

Gold is doing great – but against which currency will it do best?

Gold is undoubtedly the shining star of the commodity space this year, but investors should think carefully about which currency…

Fintech investing in the age of COVID-19

COVID-19 will not define fintech. Rather, the economic disruption it has caused has accelerated digital disruption in the space, and…

Passive strategies for sideways markets

With markets near the top and an uneventful August ahead of us, the best strategy is to forego a little…