Economics & Markets

The News from Space

There are numerous spacecraft orbiting the Earth right now and, by next week, three orbiting Mars. The Space Age has…

I am more and more convinced it’s time to buy UK Plc.

There is nothing we Brits like as much as talking ourselves down but has the negativity towards the UK's prospects…

Three European water ETFs to hydrate your portfolio

Filipe R. Costa explores the merits of investing in clean water through thematic ETFs.

The Regulation of Social Media – Not as easy as it sounds…

The Biden administration in Washington and the European Commission in Brussels have vowed to regulate social media more robustly. But…

The Vaccinators – Some vaccine developers have fared better than others

Some pharmaceutical companies have managed to develop a coronavirus vaccine in record time, while others have given up.

Journal of the Plague Years XV – Mutation Anxiety

There is evidence that new Covid-19 mutations are more contagious than the original virus and could be deadlier. But the…

Fishing for yield in the FTSE

It may be unloved, but the FTSE offers one of the best income opportunities out there right now, writes Filipe…

All hail President Joe!

The US under President Biden must find a way to recover from the trauma of the coronavirus pandemic and the…

Targeted investment themes for 2021

There are a few sectors and themes that will be hot during 2021 and that promise some good returns, writes…

British Agriculture post-Brexit: Crisis or Opportunity?

This is a scary time for British farmers and fishermen. But there could be huge opportunities for the food industry,…