Economics & Markets

SPACs, NFTs and the ‘casino’ economy

Mark Watson-Mitchell is concerned that investors may be exhibiting irrational exuberance when it comes to certain areas of the market.

How to handle a dragon: China’s threat to the West

China is becoming more assertive, even aggressive. But can we realistically rein in China’s excesses without risk, asks Victor Hill?

Journal of the Plague Years XVII: The Brexit Pandemic

A flailing European leadership is behaving irrationally on vaccines. And the de-coupling of the UK from the EU will now…

Decarbonisation rules (but it doesn’t come cheap)

A carbon neutral future is attainable and will eventually improve living standards. But it will be costly to achieve, writes…

The Wolf of inflation prowls menacingly beyond the city gates

Inflation is a beast which can sleep for decades and then revive - and then kill or maim the weak…

An investment strategy for (a lack of) inflation?

Inflation expectations are on the rise, but what happens if those expectations fail to materialise?

Budget 2021: Mission Impossible

Mr Sunak’s budget paved the way for higher taxes than many Tories would like. But the Chancellor had to do…

Journal of the Plague Years XVI: Vaccination Authentication

As the UK vaccination programme reaches its next phase and the end of lockdowns looms, requiring people to carry vaccine…

Mellon on the Markets: Lessons and looking ahead

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: Jim Mellon reveals his latest thoughts on the markets.

Battery Charge

Two EV battery giga-factories are in prospect in the UK. The battery sector is charging ahead, but there are problems…