Economics & Markets

Should you consider investing in cryptocurrencies?

Over the last five years, cryptocurrencies have experienced a huge expansion from a $12.2bn market to $1.3tn one. Filipe R.…

Electrification: the downside

The electrification of vehicular transport is progressing apace as part of the decarbonisation agenda. But could it be doing more…

The gathering storm: inflation expectations inflate

Inflationary pressures are building at a moment when corporate taxes are about to spike. The combined effect could spook the…

Crypto Crazy: Why cryptocurrency is here to stay

Bitcoin has been on a rollercoaster this year – again. Other new cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin have made their debut,…

Seeking out value in different regions and sectors

The future is undoubtedly rosy, but investors have already squeezed most of the juice from the markets. Filipe R. Costa…

Hydrogen Rising: Is this the energy of the future?

The key technology behind decarbonisation hitherto has been battery technology. But could hydrogen power turn out to be the real…

Trade Anxiety: the struggle for Brexit continues

Britain is poised to sign a slew of important post-Brexit trade deals. But the Remain tendency is crying foul. Victor…

Journal of the Plague Years XIX: The virus of recrimination

For fortunate countries, the nightmare is over - the pandemic is nearly beaten. But the recrimination is only just beginning,…

Buy the dip or rotate?

Everyone is buying the dip, because it's a great opportunity. Or is it? Filipe R. Costa investigates...

The great post-Covid macro themes

The shape of the post-Covid global economy is now coming into focus. It offers both risks and opportunities, writes Victor…