Economics & Markets

The great global supply-side crunch

Global supply lines have been dislocated over the last year and Victor Hill believes that there is more going on…

Net Carbon Zero: Goal or Dream?

In the run-up to the COP26 climate conference in November, Victor Hill assesses the latest thinking about the transition to…

Mellon on the Markets: An Overheated Summer

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: Jim Mellon reveals his latest thoughts on the markets. This month, Jim warns…

The lesson for investors from the Afghanistan debacle

The markets have shrugged off the most significant US foreign-policy disaster since the fall of Saigon but Victor Hill sees…

Hydrogen Strategy in the 20s

The government published another strategy – this time on hydrogen. It looks at using hydrogen boilers to heat homes in…

A Review of the 2021 Olympic Medals Table

Analysis of the final Tokyo 2020 Olympic medals table could be instructive for investors, says Victor Hill.

Infrastructure Woes

As HS2 gets more expensive so its economic benefits become more doubtful. In a rapidly changing world that results in…

Lifestyle shift: sacrifices on the way to a carbon-neutral world

If we are to become net carbon neutral by 2050 then we shall need to change our lifestyles. Some of…

The National Food Strategy is misconceived

Last week saw the long-awaited publication of the UK’s National Food Strategy. It aspires to bring about low-carbon farming and…

Europe at the crossroads

In Germany, the Merkel era is drawing to a close. What will Europe look like in a year or so?…