Economics & Markets

What Investors Need to Know about 2022 – Part I – the UK

In 2022, in financial markets and in UK politics, the fundamental principle that risk management trumps risk aversion will be…

The City is surviving − even thriving

At the end of the first year of life outside the EU – one doubly traumatised by a second year…

Entente Discordiale

Anglo-French relations are at their “worst since Waterloo”. Yet France and the UK, which are very similar in economic size…

Sarah Lowther looks ahead to 2022

Sarah Lowther offers some thoughts on the coming year and what to look out for when watching CEOs.

The New Cold War

The world is in a new three-way cold war. China, Russia and the US are all developing anti-satellite weapons, hypersonic…

Journal of the Plague Years XX: The Long Tail

The SARS-Cov-2 virus is still very much with us, but its transition from pandemic to endemic status is more about…

Social care: to have and have not

Mr Johnson came to power with a promise to resolve the issue of care for the elderly. Yet the package…

Longevity Science is Alive and Well

Master Investor's Investing in the Age of Longevity event took place in central London this week with a line up…

COP26 Week 2 – Turning Point or Failure?

The purpose of COP26 was to formulate initiatives that would decelerate global warming and make the politicians feel good about…

COP26 Week 1: hope dances with despair

Most world leaders and global bigwigs jetted into Glasgow this week in their private jets to preach redemption from climate…