
From Mining to Dining… How Tough is Iron Ore?

In a sign of just how tough conditions have got for iron ore mining companies, a well known iron ore…

Gold Miners Fight for Cost Savings

“Another $50 off the gold price and this industry is toast,” Randgold Resources' outspoken chief executive Mark Bristow told reporters…

Sandstorm Gold in Race for AuRico Metals

AuRico’s insiders aggressively buying stock in recent weeks, royalty clause acts as “poison pill” Sandstorm Gold is in the race…

Diamond industry entering a “sweet-spot” of cash flow and dividends?

Limited growth options for the diamond industry mean it is entering a sweet-spot of free cash flow and dividends, says…

Brazil’s Vale Eases Iron Ore Brinkmanship

Brazil's mining giant Vale has made what looks to be a monumental leap forward for the iron ore industry, pulling…

Funding Gimmicks or Real Innovation?

How Mining Companies Are Using New Tech to Fund New Deals A raft of junior mining companies are turning to…

Chinese Steel Now Cheaper than Cabbage

A sudden collapse in Chinese equities is hammering commodity markets, piling fresh pressure on mining stocks, already sitting at multi-year…

Banks Muscle in on Rio Tinto’s Coal Assets

Trading giant Glencore is holding active and ongoing talks with Australian authorities over a potential takeover of Rio Tinto's thermal…

Consolidation afoot in the West-African Gold-Mining Sector?

John McGloin: "Deals have to answer questions, not make the question bigger" A mass roll-up of gold assets in West…

Lonmin’s Housing Debts Fall Due

An investigation into the 2012 Marikana massacre at Lonmin's platinum operations in South Africa reported late last week, with complex…