Swen Lorenz

James Faulkner on Pressure Technologies: more than just a metal basher

Pressure Technologies (PRES) has long been mistaken for a boring ‘metal basher’ with less than enticing future prospects. However, the…

Spot the difference – has Paul Scott been moonlighting on the undateables?!

Is it us or does the poor sap from the “Undateables” show on Channel (4) last night bear an uncanny…

Zak Mir video blog on bulletin board heroes: Edenville Energy, Leyshon Energy and UK Oil & Gas

CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW TODAY’S VIDEO   Spreadbet Magazine editor Zak Mir takes a look at the technical position…

The Morning News Update with Whitbread, JD Sports and Fastjet

FTSE 100 Whitbread (WTB) - posts total sales growth for the first quarter of 12.7% and like for like sales…

A reminder of a prescient and experienced fund manager’s observations

Last week we posted this here in relation to the JNUG instrument (Junior gold miners ETF) and the gold and…

Fastnet Oil & Gas video presentation at Master Investor 2014

Watch Paul Griffiths, Managing Director of Fastnet Oil & Gas, present at the Master Investor 2014 conference.   For more…

Zak Mir video blog on Bulletin Board heroes: Arian Silver, Quindell and Range Resources

Zak Mir video blog on Bulletin Board heroes: Arian Silver, Quindell and Range Resources CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO WATCH…

Hold onto your hats as we go into triple witching expiry this week – hedgeratioanalysis

Stock index options and futures business have grown immensely over the last couple of decades and now exert a considerable…

Zak Mir on Crude and the oil majors

Although it feels like the situation in Iraq has gone on for years, apparently it was only eight years ending…

The Morning News Update with Vodafone, Ultra Electronics and Majestic Wine

FTSE 100 Vodafone (VOD) - announces its intentions to acquire Cobra Automotive Technologies through a voluntary tender offer at €1.49…