Swen Lorenz

Top 30 Most Shorted Stocks – FTSE 350

Click here for link from www.squaremiledata.com Company Description Ticker SOL% Index Cove Energy PLC Oil & Gas Producers COV 54.01…

aim oil explorers – another chance to delve into the sweet shop

Xcite Energy - 94p Bowleven - 74p Northern Petroleum - 74p Gulfsands Petroleum - 111p Heritage Oil - 134p For…

Spanish bonds priced over 6% add to fears in markets

Waiting on the first print of the options volume on the CBOE to guide us as to just how much…

Margin, margin, margin – control that leverage to be around to catch the inevitable updraft!

I hope the pic above does not signify the feelings of any of our readers today - if it does…

Bargains, bargains everywhere…. and prescient words from last months edition of our magazine

From last months magazine we opined upon the potential retracement levels in the FTSE & S&P 500… Both duly hit…

Greek stocks at 20 year lows. Banking index down 97% from highs

A sobering chart if ever I saw one… Pity the poor Greek private sector pension funds and buy and hold…

The bear argument to SBM’s Rimm Conviction Buy call.

From todays CNN site - “It’s hard to find a stock that is hated more on Wall Street — and,…

Ibex breakout of 2 week rectangle formation. 7400 poss target

Interesting chart formation above. Here’s hoping it’s not a false breakout…

long position opened in Man Group

The chart below looks excessively oversold to me and so I have opened a position on the long side in…


Interesting chart above that’s doing the rounds today on various financial sites. I can’t help but thinking however that it…