Swen Lorenz

Another sign the Natural Resources sector is near the nadir?

A piece in today’s Telegraph (below) looks to reaffirm our stance that the mining sector is in the early stages…

What next for Bumi?

We included Bumi Plc in our Dream Miners Stock Portfolio (link here - http://issuu.com/spreadbetmagazine/docs/spreadbet-magazine-v9_generic) which was released yesterday and it…

Weekend lesson – the dangers of bulletin boards…

We present below in all its insulting glory a post to us from an individual who goes by the handle…

Currency wars…

It is rather worrying how little coverage there is in the Western media about the increasingly nasty escalation of the…

European PMI Data unveils economic contrasts

PMI data published earlier today for the Eurozone shows that the European economy has not yet bottomed with manufacturing continuing…

A thought provoking blog on the current eurozone woes and QE3 courtesy of Trendwatch

INSANITY! That’s how I describe the Federal Reserve’s third round of money printing (QE3). Frankly, I’m not able to make a…

GBPJPY long position closed on stop @ 126.40

This was a good trade for us, running the position from 123.00 from the 14th August and taking 340 pips…

Why Samsung are buying into the gold mining sector

If the underperformance of mining shares is leaving investors scratching their heads, the major discounts being attributed to high quality…

MPC Meeting Minutes Show Unanimous Agreement

The Bank of England published earlier today the minutes from its last MPC meeting held on September 6. The minutes…

European social unrest halts markets rise

Central banks have been dominating the news during the last month, with the ECB and the Federal Reserve taking action…