Swen Lorenz

Fed Minutes hint at more QE yet its power to move the markets is waning

The U.S. Federal Reserve revealed on Wednesday the minutes from its last open market committee meeting, held on October 23-24.…

Eurozone back in recession as social unrest grows

According to data released by the Eurostat this morning, the Eurozone has just entered its second recession since 2009 as…

Iron Ore adds to commodity prices turning up in the last 2 weeks yet disconnect with mining stocks reaches historic levels

China announced yesterday that it will buy a record amount of iron ore this quarter, easing concerns about the engine…

Lonmin – the squeeze is on…! Cue Beverly Hills Cop music

Time is running short for Mick Davis, CEO of Xstrata if he is to make a renewed move on Lonmin…

Dollatr Yen continues to rise on speculation of “bold” FX action

We recommended that a long position be taken in the dollar yen pair in the latest edition of our magazine…

Euro analysis courtesy of Cantor Index

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Euro Monthly The euro monthly…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. UK Corporate Announcements 3i Group…


The economic slump being experienced by the poor Greeks continued to intensify and deepen in the third quarter, with output…

a Light hearted trip down memory lane story to offset all the gloom around…

For newer entrants to the trading arena, many of you will probably have never heard of the infamous Peter Young…

Zak’s midweek thoughts

Fresh from  my appearance on CNBC the other week, I was invited to go on Bloomberg on Tuesday morning at…