Swen Lorenz

Assad end game in sight. Gulfsands Petroleum UPDATE – elevator MOVED TO floor level one & a half & rising by the day now…

UPDATE - 17/12/12 - Perhaps 21/12/12 will not in fact herald the end of the world for us all but…

technical analysis overview courtesy of cantor index

FTSE 100, Daily   In the past few weeks we highlighted how the FTSE has broken through its previous bullish…

the concise guide to the week ahead & Xmas/New Year period courtesy of Cantor Index

Monday, December 17, 2012 UK Reporting:- Aggreko Plc, AGK, (R), Aggreko Plc, AGK, (R), Imagination Tech Group Plc, IMG, (SM), London…

Zak Mir’s wise man sketch and his “gold” gifts (oh, and SuperGroup!)

This week, in keeping with the Xmas theme, and deeming myself to be one of the 3 “wise men”, I…

All quiet on the Bumi front… Is Glasenberg about to enter stage left?

It’s been a couple of weeks now since any real news on Bumi and all remains eerily quiet… All the…

An Options play for 2013

With the FTSE hovering close to 6000 (and most likely about to pop it before the year’s out) but still…

Helicopter Ben and the (un?)intended consequences of his never ending money printing

The U.S. Federal Reserve Open Market Committee announced on Wednesday some important changes in terms of monetary policy. These policies…

14 Dec 2012 Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is seen up 10 points higher today       UK Corporate…

What on earth is going on with Centamin Egypt?

This mornings RNS beggar belief - Suspension of operations Centamin advises that it has received an illegal retrospective claim from…

Daily snippet re Ceres Power

Regular readers of this blog will know we got into a spat with one of the lowest forms of life…