Swen Lorenz

Xmas & New Year market open hours courtesy of cantor index

Monday 24th December Indices  UK 100 open until 12:30, out of hours pricing until 18:15 France 40 open until 13:00…

the net continues to close around Steve Cohen…

  Steven Cohen has been one of the most successful fund managers of the last few decades. His company SAC…

Quick pre apres-ski take on the Bumi twists & turns of the day…

So, in a series of RNS announcements today, the acrimony surrounding the Bumi venture just seems to worsen… In a…

Zak Mir – A Tale of Two Gulfs – Gulf Keystone & Gulfsands Petroleum

While it can be said that autumn 2012 has witnessed as much interest in the natural resources sector as ever,…

news just gets better for Gulfsands Pet holders…130p resistance take-out soon?

RNS out this morning that continues to firm up the value case of the story while we wait for the…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

19 Dec 2012 Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is seen opening up around 10 points higher today      …

Zak Mir on Barclays: The Ultimate “Diamond” Geezer!

The Set Up… I have to admit that with regards to me and my memory, it is somewhat like a…

SBM Call on the land of the rising Nikkei pays handsome dividends

See our blogs on the Nikkei here - http://www.spreadbetmagazine.com/blog/is-the-25-year-bear-market-in-japan-over.html and here -  http://www.spreadbetmagazine.com/blog/japanese-equities-dont-miss-the-train.html and also our Buy in levels on the About…


Sometimes it pays to “take time out” and so as we wind down to Xmas, after a cracking 1st year…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

18 Dec 2012 Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is seen up around 25 points higher this morning      …