Swen Lorenz

Best short ideas around? Goldman’s top 10 buy list!!

Link - http://www.marketwatch.com/story/goldman-sachs-top-10-stocks-with-upside-potential-2013-02-06?source=email_rt_mc_body Wonder how much of these their “prop” desk is selling today…

A ZAK MIR technical update on an SBM Conviction Buy Call – EMED Mining

EMED Mining (EMED): 14.23p Although it has to be admitted that there has been plenty of near term noise on…

Bumi management looks to have delivered a knock out blow to poor ol Natty

Below is the full text from this morning’s RNS released by the current Board of Bumi. It is a pretty…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

6 Feb 2013 Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is seen starting the day up around 10 points higher    …

FTSE technical analysis overview courtesy of cantor index

FTSE DAILY In the past few weeks we have kept a close eye on the 2012 highs, as these had…

Nomura’s Bon Janjuah – one of the better “strategists” sees a spike in S&P to scratch the old highs then a 50% collapse…

Bob Janjuah is a respected strategist housed at Nomura. His thoughts below are thought provoking & definitely worth reading for…

Zak Mir’s midweek missive – Europhiles and bunga bunga’s!

Given that I live in Spain, and have a Spanish wife, it may be that I could be regarded as…


With everybody’s favourite current whipping boy - the tech goliath that is Apple falling back towards its post 4Q result…

chart du jour – 2011/12 redux?

  The chart above shows that whilst the US has been merrily sailing along towards its all time highs during…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

05 Feb 2013 Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is seen opening up around 5 points this morning     UK…