Swen Lorenz

City Index freeing up cash to move on London Capital Group?

The FT reports today that City Index is selling its US retail FX business. The division has been a relatively…

the concise guide to the week ahead courtesy of Cantor Index

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Monday, February 25, 2013 UK…

Zak Mir – “Billion Dollar FX Trades” and AAA curries!

It has been an intriguing past 24 hours for this financial markets blogger. Thursday witnessed my first ever trip to…

Cityunslicker – Will Moody’s sovereign downgrade of the UK finally put an end to the 5 month rally?

My blog this week is not such a hard call to make, the loss yesterday of the UK’s AAA rating,…

Adding to silver today at $28.35

We began buying silver earlier this week - a little too early in hindsight but, as the saying goes, “nobody…

Jobs creation In America Still A Concern for policymakers

Contrary to many market commentators assertions, and also the headline unemployment figures that the US authorities are putting out, jobs…

A must read by Bob Farrell – former Merrill Lynch legend

The 10 Rules Of Investing 1. Markets tend to return to the mean (average price) over time. Like a rubber…

Chart of the day – time to go all in on the gold miners?

As regular readers will know, we have a bear call on gold although this has been tempered in recent days…


For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. 22 Feb 2013 Cantor Opening…