Swen Lorenz

A market sniper SBM reader special – decision time is coming for a big move in WTI Oil

Let’s take a quick technical Look at Nymex WTI Oil, since the pre-Lehman Highs. In particular, the Fibonacci Retracement from…

Cyprus & AIM – another roller coaster spring ahead?

Zak Mir gave Spreadbet Magazine readers some interesting insights into a few AIM stocks this week, in particular Gulf Keystone…

Zak Mir’s weekend missive – A Is For Aspirational AIM Stocks

Going into The Budget this week, and which I personally really hope is the last for George Osborne, as I…

The big Euro break up question – Should Germany in fact be the First to leave?

During the last 5 years, European nations have been trying to fight the huge government debts accumulated during the boom…

SAC Capital Settles For $614M Claim but the net continues to close around “Stevie”

News that SAC Capital, the US hedge fund belonging to Steve Cohen had one of its subsidiary company’s agree to…

Zak Mir midweek update on Gold & Silver

I would suggest that many readers are currently scratching their heads as to why the precious metals (gold and silver)…

Cyprus issue causes us to reassess near term Gold Prospects

As regular readers will be aware, we have been bearish gold since last summer and laid out our case for…

The Cyprus bank haircut debacle sets a Dangerous Precedent

  We we’re shocked with the news that came out over the weekend from Cyprus in which the infamous “troika”…

RPO results – gas sales provides the path to immediate cash flow production

Well, it looks like my “friend” Mr Caaaawkwell will have something of a respite this morning as RPO pull a…

the concise guide to the week ahead courtesy of Cantor Index

Monday March 18, 2013 UK Reporting: Berkeley Group Holdings, BKG, (R), Diageo Plc, DGE, (Pr), Diageo Plc, DGE, (Pr), John Laing…