Swen Lorenz

Billionaires fight to Keep their trillions away from the taxman

There is one thing that billionaires do much better than the ordindary Joe (besides earning money of course!): they know…

The “ghoul’s” are back…

Below is a comment posted by one of those vile excuses of humanity. The sort of character that thinks Stuart…

Goldman sucks does it again – slaps a conviction sell on the cheapest, cash backed stock in the market!

News that the vampire squids “anal”ysts slapped a conviction sell on ABG today had me not just coughing over my…

Zak Mir – XEL, Milk snatching & The Heckler!

Well, it has finally happened. After more than a decade of trying to be a good person and not slapping…

Guess the ENRC bid price to win a case of SA’s finest wines!

With the 17 May deadline for a firm bid or otherwise by the 3 ENRC oligarchs now looming, and the…

Gold – John Paulson is safe. For Now…

The supposedly safe Gold market shocked many (and not just the gold bugs) on the 12th April by dropping 5.2…

Guess the stock… Answer is African Barrick Gold!

What if I told you there was a stock that was trading at a 60% discount to TANGIBLE book value,…