Swen Lorenz

Zak Mr – My “Nemesis”: The Nikkei

  As mentioned in a previous blog here on Spreadbet Magazine, I had an “academic” argument over the Nikkei /…

Is the correction beginning?

The long-lasting low tide of liquidity created by the US Federal Reserve’s monetary policies may, finally, be coming to an…

NYSE Margin Debt Hits Record Level

According to NYSE’s April report, margin debt (ie monies borrowed to speculate in stocks) hit an all-time record level at…

Zak Mir and the The Algo Trader (revisited)

What I find particularly interesting, certainly in an age where we have so much trading software and so many ‘robots’…

How much more short term downside is there in Japan?

It is becoming clear just how much optimism was priced into the success of Japan’s monetary policy bazooka with another…

Honest Money vs Worthless Paper Money

During the last 50 years the US dollar has gained the status of the world’s primary reserve currency. One against…

The biggest casino in history…

“In Vegas, everybody’s gotta watch everybody else. Since the players are looking to beat the casino, the dealers are watching…

Must read 2 – Hugh Hendry’s latest missive

The Fund was down 18 bps in April. The main positive contributors were tobacco and Japanese equities and short-end interest…

Time to Sell the Dollar & Buy Gold & Silver

After twelve years of continued price appreciation, precious metals have taken a bit of a bath this year, and to…