Swen Lorenz

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 29/08/13

European markets opened firmly today as investors finished taking as much risk out of their portfolios as they could bear. …


Send lawyers, guns, and money: what does Syria mean for the oil markets? Geopolitical analysis In recent days, the US…

ENRC – A riddle inside an enigma right until the last with an arbitrage opportunity on the table

  One of the features of the noughties mining booming was the listing in London of a number of large…

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 28/08/13

In what will be his maiden speech as Bank of England governor, Mark Carney plans on using this opportunity to…

day trade ideas – global markets overview – 28/08/13

Emini S&P Sep13 headed lower as predicted to test the 100 day moving average & strong Fibonacci support at 1633/30…

Zak Mir on “Manipulated Magnolia”, Gulf Keystone Petroleum & Petrel Resources

I have been asked by a reader on my opinion on the price action of Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), rather intriguingly,…

The One Factor You Don’t Want to Overlook When It Comes to Buying Stocks

When it comes to buying stocks, one question I am often asked is: what is one of the most overlooked…

Widespread Opportunities Opening Up for Speculators in This Mining Sector

Gold prices have bounced back, jumping above $1,350 an ounce; but I contend that the advance will not be sustainable…