Swen Lorenz

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 20th November 2013

By Dominic Picarda. Not very much is happening in the indices, which I see as supportive to my bullish case.…

No Bubble Here Part II

As if we needed it, last week we were served further evidence of the precarious position policy makers find themselves…

Is It True? Fed Official Apologizes for “Greatest Backdoor Wall Street Bailout of All Time”

One of the most amazing things occurred the other day: a former Federal Reserve official apologized for being part of…

The real “threat” (or lack of it…) of deflation

By Filipe R. Costa If we pay attention to the official propaganda of governments and central banks around the world…

Zak Mir – Dow and S&P500: The Runaway Move

By Zak Mir. Dow, S&P: The Runaway Move As things stand in the wake of Fed Chairwoman in waiting Janet…

Is gold setting up for an end year rally? Titan Investment Partners

With Janet “Yellanke” seemingly underpinning what has been dubbed QE “infinity” well into 2014 during her inaugural testimony last week,…

What a bunch of Praets!

By Filipe R. Costa On November 7th the ECB cut eurozone interest rates to 0.25%, their lowest level ever. OK,…

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 18th November 2013

By Dominic Picarda. While there’s a lot of talk of the indices having gone too far, too fast and being…


Asian stocks have risen for a third consecutive session after Chinese leaders pledged to allow more private investment in state-controlled…

Zak Mir on currency majors EURUSD, GBPUSD & JPYUSD

By Zak Mir.   Currency Majors: We have an uneasy truce as far as leading currencies are concerned, with the…