Swen Lorenz

The Chinese Inflation Monster stalking the world

By Filipe R. Costa While a lot of attention is focussed on America’s Quantitative Easing programme, there is another side…

Socialism, Stupidity And The Royal Mail

By Zak Mir. One of the main reasons I asked to write for Spreadbet Magazine in the summer of 2012…

It’s time to look east for value

While US investors continue to drive their money away from the bond market in the direction of the ever rising…

What the NASDAQ Above 4,000 First Time Since Its Collapse Means for Investors

By George Leong Technology and growth stocks have been the go-to stocks this year, as the NASDAQ broke above 4,000…

Zak Mir on bulletin board favourites; POS, EME & THT

By Zak Mir. It is very often the case that one should keep an eye on what is bubbling up…

Mining sector 27 Nov 13 timestamp – is this what a bottom feels like?

We’ll, we been banging on about the latent value in much of the mining spectrum for the vast majority of…

Smashing through the wall of worry.

There is a certain market doctrine that in order to rise stocks are meant to climb a “wall of worry”.…

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 27th November 2013

By Dominic Picarda. The FTSE remains the ugly duckling among the index swans right now. The UK index has come…

Crash or correction? Shiller P/E crosses all important 25 level

A running theme here at Spreadbet Magazine has been this market’s refusal to revert to the mean. Mean reversion is…