Swen Lorenz

Zak Mir on Following The Hedge Funds Short? Ashmore and Asos

Although hedge funds can get it wrong – shock, horror! – you would normally take the view that following the…

The Evil Diaries: Democracy is a Greater Good

Evil discusses Quindell, Tyratech, HSBC and Philip of Macedon… I owe readers an apology in that when I declared that…

The Evil Diaries: Afren Continues to Astound

Evil discusses Phosphorus Holdco PIK Toggle bonds, Afren, Quindell and the Grand National… Back on Phosphorus Holdco PIK Toggle bonds,…

SSE Has the Power to Deliver

By Robert Sutherland Smith This afternoon I opened up my laptop to discover a surprise: the share price of energy…

Seth Klarman, the secretive investor

by Frederik Vanhaverbeke In the latest of a new series for SBM Frederik Vanhaverbeke, author of Excess Returns: A comparative…

The Mansion Tax’s House of Cards

By Zak Mir This may be something of an urban myth, but I am led to believe that until the…

Tuesday’s Stock Market Report featuring WPP, Brit, Wood Group and Monitise

The Markets UK inflation fell once again in January, reaching a level of 0.3% according to new figures from the…

James Faulkner on S&U: Quality in credit

The resurgence in consumer confidence seen in recent months and years offers significant growth prospects for a companies like consumer…

Syriza Goes For The Macho Approach

by Zak Mir It would be pleasant to think that the battle between the alleged forces of darkness (otherwise known…

Royal Mail: Anything to Write Home About?

By Robert Sutherland Smith I last looked at Royal Mail (RMG) some three months or so ago. I am pleased…