Swen Lorenz

Risers and fallers – 19/12/13

Risers:  WPP Group +2.35% WPP Group’s operating company, GroupM, has today acquired a majority stake in social media marketing agency…

Kazakhmys & the parallel universe Part (2)…Updated

Kazakhmys & the parallel universe Part (2)… Well it seems that I am stuck perpetually in Groundhog Day… Another day,…


The euphoria surrounding tapering of U.S stimulus throughout the last week or so has culminated in the Federal Reserve taking…

Are the money printers about to turn off the printers?

So, with the year of 2013 almost at an end, unless Mr Bernanke decides to raise interest rates this year…

What to expect at todays FED meeting

In a typically quiet week as we go into the final furlong towards the festive period, there could be some…

Risers and fallers – 18/12/13

Risers:  Ophir Energy +2.50% Oil and Gas producer, Ophir Energy, has entered into a comprehensive farm-out deal with Austrian OMV…

Currency Majors Ahead Of The Fed meeting this wk – Zak Mir webcast special

Although equity markets have pulled back ahead of the possible Federal Reserve tapering news on Wednesday, it is interesting that…

quote of the day from Marc Faber

“Of all the asset claases that I look at, the most depressed is precious metals (and precious metals equities).  If money…


Will they, won’t they, tapering is likely the only thing on most investors mind today ahead of the FOMC’s decision…