Swen Lorenz

quote of the day

“Very few people have the patience, conviction and endurance that it takes to survive the volatility of a bear market…

Zak Mir on bull market tops, “goldilocks” and “switch flicking”!

In the financial markets, it is perhaps understandable that what can be a somewhat grey subject (finance that is!) needs…

A zak Mir bombed out small cap oiliers special – FOGL, RKH & BOR

Last week saw one of the occasional meetings in London between Messr Mir and  Messr Jennings, our ‘umble founder of…

Titan Investment Partners – Natural Resources fund managers’ views

It’s safe to say that notwithstanding a small drawdown in equity at the end of the quarter, that we are…

Credit Suisse’s TA desk – looking for confirmation of a market top

From Credit Suisse Indeed, not only has the market all but achieved our 1900/10 target (Friday’s high was 1897), but…

Zak Mir on blinkx – after the rebuttal…

Certainly at least in theory, one of the best things about being a “chartist”, is that as far as the…

Titan – Abenomics unintended consequences, the Japanese equity market & the gold trade opportunity

In the not-too-distant future, it is quite possible that the combination of the letters AA will not refer to Alcoa…


Japanese equities were dragged lower overnight following yesterday’s steep declines. Health-care and technology stocks remained under pressure in Japan whilst…