David Jones

How to spot trend reversal and continuation patterns

Some people will dismiss technical analysis and charting as just squiggly lines on a chart - and I for one…

How to use this common market indicator to your advantage

One of the appeals - and drawbacks - to technical analysis for some are the many, many ways of analysing…

How to use stop-losses to maximise profits

In my opinion, investors/traders don’t spend enough time on putting together a strategy that helps them decide when to get…

Charting a path to success

One of the many common criticisms that could be aimed at a charting approach to the market (and there are…

How to understand candlesticks

This month we will take a look at a sub-division of the world of charting and technical analysis - the…

How to understand the RSI index

The last twenty years have seen significant growth in the use of technical analysis and charting. The growth of the…

An introduction to Technical Analysis

Too many people seem to have a blind faith approach when investing, and if a share continues to slide they…