Europe’s Growth Problem

Why are the EU and the UK growing much more slowly than the USA?, asks Victor Hill.

Now The Competitors Are Striking

After notable corporate moves in today’s market, it now seems that the UK SQC sector is throwing up too many…

Small Cap Catch-Up: Steel, Payment Plus More

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on a selection of shares.

Evil Diaries: Yet More BBC Garbage

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Could This Activist Investor Trigger Some Quick Gains?

The AIC recently reported that investment trust discounts are at their widest since the global financial crisis in December 2008.

Hunting – A ‘Quality Growth Stock’ For 2024

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on this firm as he hunts for value.

There’s Big Trouble in Global Credit Markets

Global bond and debt markets are under extreme stress, with potentially serious consequences, says Victor Hill.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Marine Domain Awareness, Newspapers And More

Mark Watson-Mitchell ends the week by running through a selection of his favourite stocks.

Seven Ways To Grow Your Confidence With Money And Investment

It’s Talk Money Week! The Money and Pensions Service created this awareness week with the aim of encouraging everyone to…

Evil Diaries: Geraldine and I

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.