Small Cap Catch-Up: All On The Move

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks in on Filtronic, Elixirr, Frasers and Aston Martin.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Steel, Safety And Bowling

Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at a range of shares including Billington, Time Finance, Hollywood Bowl and more.

Monks: Praying For A Change Of Fortune

It has been a tough couple of years for growth investors with the substantial increase in interest rates undermining the…

Currys – Really Focussing Upon Growth

Mark Watson-Mitchell has his eyes on a hot ‘recovery play’ for 2024!

Interest Rates and Elections

Interest rates have plateaued − with political consequences, says Victor Hill.

Mortgages, Wages and Insolvencies

Mark Watson-Mitchell peers in to the gloomy macroeconomic environment.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Recovery, Chaff And More

Mark Watson-Mitchell looks over the latest from FRP, Chemring, Windward and more.

A Good Month For The Interest Rate Sensitive Trusts

November was a good month for the interest rate sensitive sectors with private equity, property and infrastructure all bouncing back…

Small Cap Catch-Up: Reading, Borrowing, Chaining And Homing

Mark Watson-Mitchell catches up with the news from a range of shares including Bloomsbury, Frasers and Renold.

The Shape of 2024

Next year is coming into focus. It’s neither good nor all bad, says Victor Hill.