2024: Whither the Footsie?

Most good news has already been priced into the London market - yet it still looks cheap, says Victor Hill.

Has Biotechnology Bottomed Out?

While the S&P 500 and the technology sector as a whole are soaring, there’s at least one industry that’s lagging…

Small Cap Catch-Up: Alternative Finance, Radio Frequency And Social Housing

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back on Filtronic, Mears Group and Time Finance.

The Trusts That Have Benefitted From Peak Rate Expectations

Anyone who follows the markets will have noticed the seismic shift in sentiment that has taken place in the last…

Small Cap Catch-Up: Steel, Myths And Brakes

Mark Watson-Mitchell takes a look at a range of equities including Billington, Elixirr, H&T and Surface Transforms.

Evil Diaries: Three Ideas For 2024

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Banknotes, Shop Closures, Jeremy And Sarah

Mark Watson-Mitchell kicks off the year with a look at some recent happenings.

2024: Some Hesitant Predictions

2024 will be a year we shall be unlikely to forget, says Victor Hill.

The Message from COP 28

Was COP28 an eco-triumph or a fudge? Victor Hill considers the outcomes.

Evil Diaries: Webis To Catch The Wave

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.